Swarovski Crystal Puppy Clutch
Who doesn't want to carry around a sweet
little puppy in their arms?
This cute little Swarovski crystal clutch is inspired after the typical little puppies that are just ‘oh so cute’ and often seen being carried around as accessories. Plus, you'll find a cute puppy gold paw holding onto a nice white dog bone on the other side of the clutch’s face.
This puppy sparkles and shines with its high quality Swarovski crystals.
Plus, the upside to carry around this puppy clutch as an accessory is that you don't have to feed, water, or take it out to do its business…rather it’s low maintenance and just as charming!
Hand painted and encrusted with Swarovski crystals. This clutch can be customized to your liking and we can create the clutch of your dreams. We take the your ideas and help you bring them to life. Whether it is for your wedding day or your birthday party we make the prettiest clutch just for you. We can even do the likeness of your own precious pooch!
** Please note: These shoes are very time consuming to make and are in high demand they can take up to 4 to 6 weeks to ship.
Please inbox us with any questions, we love to make new creations so please send us your ideas!
Thanks from the Girls at Wicked Addiction