Swarovski Crystal Union Jack Clutch Purse with Chain
God Bless the Queen…for having such a stylish flag!
This clutch bag featuring the Union Jack is totally “the bees knees” for many reasons, but number one has to be that it’s just too “bloody brilliant” for words!
The red, white and blue embellished clutch bag will go with any outfit as a statement piece or get the decorated clutch to add to your collection of UK flag memorabilia. If you’re from the United Kingdom or just love the flag of the United Kingdom, this bag decorated with individual Swarovski crystals needs to be at home with you right now. Do you hear it calling out to you to add it to your cart? That’s not your imagination; we hear it too!
** Please note: This clutch is very time consuming to make and are in high demand they can take up to 4 to 6 weeks to ship.
Inbox us with any questions, we love to make new creations so please send us your ideas!
Thanks from the Girls at Wicked Addiction